Garden Plants of 1730
By Audrey Stallsmith
The following list of heirloom plants is taken from Robert Furber's 1730 catalog/calendar titled Twelve Months of Flowers. On the left of each equals sign is the plant as he described it. On the right of each equals sign is my guess at the plant's Latin name, with the modern nickname in parentheses-if it is different from the old one.
Where I have found more than one possibility I have inserted an "or" between the two. AKA means "also known as," and indicates that there are two different names for the same plant. Since there is often not enough information to indicate a specific variety, I often have to refer to types!
Capital letters indicate what was probably a cultivar. Since most of those are no longer available, I have often included a description of the color of the blooms, as shown in the catalog plate. (The word "striped" in the original description seems to have referred sometimes to flower hues and sometimes to variegated foliage.)
As you can see, "flamed" tulips, anemones, and auriculas were especially popular. Keep in mind that Furber was a British nurseryman, so some of these plants may not have been available in America at the time. But many others, judging from their nicknames, originated here.
If anyone can help me identify those plants for which I have only a question mark, please drop me a line. I have also included a question mark after my interpretation where the guess is very tentative! So any corrections would also be welcome.
Feel free to use my list of interpretations when constructing heirloom gardens, but please don't publish it without my permission. Copyright 2004 by Audrey Stallsmith. All rights reserved.
1. Pellitory = Anacyclus pyrethrum, AKA Anthemis pyrethrum
2. Winter Aconite = Eranthus hyemalis (winter aconite)
3. Great early Snow drop = Galanthus elwesii (giant snowdrop)
4. Single Snow drop = Galanthus nivalis (common snowdrop)
5. White edged Polyanthos = Primula polyantha (primrose), yellow-centered red type with white edge
6. Double Peach coloured Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, double peach type
7. Double blew Violet = Viola odorata (sweet violet), double blue type
8. Winter blew Hyacinth = Scilla siberica, (Siberian squill), blue
9. Lesser black Hellebore = Helleborus foetidus (stinking hellebore)
10. Dwarf white King Spear = Asphodelus nanus
11. Ilex leav'd Jasmine = Lantana africana (possibly Oftia africana)
12. Red Spring Cyclamen = Cyclamen vernum, red type
13. Acacia or sweet button tree = Acacia farnesiana? (mimosa)
14. White Cyclamen = Cyclamen, white type
15. Creeping Borage or Bugloss = Cynoglossum omphalodes?
16. Strip'd Spurge = Euphorbia amygdaloides variegata
17. Lisbon Lemmon tree = Citrus limon Lisbon (Lisbon lemon)
18. Canary Campanula = Canarina canarensis (canary bellflower)
19. Dwarf Tithymall = Euphorbia exigua
20. Double Stock = Matthiola incana (stocks), double red type
21. Filberd tree in flower = Corylus avelana (hazelnut)
22. True Venetian Vetch = Orobus latifolius repens
23. Seville Orange = Citrus aurantium
24. Grey Aloe = Aloe caesia
25. Winter white Hyacinth = Scilla siberica, (Siberian squill), white
26. Spotted Aloe = Aloe maculata or zebrina
27. Narrow curl'd leav'd Bay = Laurus nobilis augustifolia
28. Tree Savory = Satureja mimuloides
29. Triangle Yellow Ficoides = Yellow fig?
30. Strip'd Orange = Citrofortunella microcarpa variegata (variegated Calamondin)?
31. Strip'd Candy tuft = Iberis semperflorens variegata
32. Tree Sedum = Sempervivum (houseleek or hen and chicks)
33. Single blew Anemone = Anemone, single blue type
1. Duke Vantol Tulip = Tulipa "Duc Van Thol"
2. Silver Edg'd Maternus = Hedera helix variegata (variegated ivy)
3. Yellow bloach'd Alaternus = Rhamnus alaternus (buckthorn), type with yellow blotches on leaves
4. Cornelian Cherry = Cornus mas (Cornelian Cherry dogwood)
5. White Mezereon = Daphne mezereum, white type
6. Red Mezereon = Daphne mezereum, red type
7. Double Narcissus of Constantinople = Narcissus tazetta, double (double Chinese sacred lily)
8. Single Anemone Purple & White = Anemone, single purple type with yellow center and white edge
9. Venetian Vetch, true = Orobus latifolius repens
10. Double blew Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, double blue type
11. Early white Hyacinth = Scilla tubergeniana (early squill)?
12. Blush red Dens Caninus = Erythronium denscanis (dogtooth violet), pink type
13. Spring Cyclamen, white Edg'd = Cyclamen vernum, white type with red center
14. Strip'd & Edg'd Polyanthos = Primula polyantha (primrose), white type with red stripes
15. Single white Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, single white type
16. Single blew Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, single blue type
17. White Dens Caninus = Erythronium denscanis (dogtooth violet), white type
18. Double Peach colour'd Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, double peach type
19. The greater Snow drop = Galanthus elwesii (giant snowdrop)
20. White Crocus = Crocus, white type
21. Double Snow drop = Galanthus nivalis flore pleno (double snowdrop)
22. Small yellow Crocus = Crocus susianus?
23. Great blew Crocus = Crocus, large blue type
24. Small blew Crocus = Crocus, small blue type
25. Single dark red Anemone = Anemone, single dark red type
26. Pantaloon strip'd Polyanthos = Primula polyantha (primrose), white type with yellow center and red stripes
27. Persian Iris = Iris persica, pale turquoise type
28. Yellow dutch Crocus = Crocus luteus
29. Scotch white strip'd Crocus = Crocus biflorus, white type with darker veins
30. Blew Hyacinth Passtoute = ?
31. Fruit bearing Almond = Prunus amygdalus or Prunus dulcis
32. Single Prussian blew Anemone = Anemone, single blue type
33. Yellow Colutea = Colutea arborescens (bladder senna)
34. Peach colour'd single Hepatica = Anemone hepatica, single peach type
35. Double pilewort = Ranunculus ficaria flore pleno (lesser celandine)
1. Royal Widow Auricula = Primula auricula "Royal Widow," white type with yellow center and red-striped edge
2. Dwarf white starry Hyacinth = Scilla autumnalis (autumn squill, starry hyacinth), white type
3. White Bostanum Narciss = Narcissus "White Bostanum," white type with small yellow cup
4. High Admiral Anemone = Anemone "High Admiral," white type with crested reddish center
5. Rhyven Narciss = Narcissus "Rhyven," yellow type with small cup
6. White passe flower = Anemone patens (pulsatilla AKA pasque flower) white type
7. White grape flower = Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinth), white type
8. The lesser black Hellebore = Helleborus foetidus (stinking hellebore)
9. Danae Auricula = Primula auricula "Danae," white type with yellow center and red-striped edge
10. White flowering Almond = Prunus glandulosa
11. Dwarf blew starry Hyacinth = Scilla autumnalis (autumn squill, starry hyacinth), blue type
12. American flowering Maple = Acer saccharum (sugar maple)?
13. Goldfinch Polyanthos = Primula polyantha "Goldfinch", red type with yellow center and edge
14. Larger blew starry Hyacinth = Scilla autumnalis (autumn squill, starry hyacinth), blue type
15. Virginian flowering Maple = Acer rubrum?
16. Narciss of Naples: Narcissus "Naples," double white type with yellow and white center
17. Best Claremon Tulip = Tulipa "Best Claremon," white type with red flames
18. The checker'd Fritillaria = Fritillaria meleagris (guinea hen flower)
19. Large leav'd Norway Maple = Acer plantanoides?
20. Double pulchra Hyacinth = Double white hyacinth
21. Queen of France Narciss = Narcissus "Queen of France," double yellow type
22. Palto Auri flamed Tulip = Tulipa "Palto Auri," yellow type with red flames
23. Blew Oriental Hyacinth = Hyacinthus orientalis, blue type
24. Single bloody Wall = Cheiranthus cheiri (wallflower), single red type
25. Admiral blew Anemone = Anemone "Admiral," white type with crested center
26. Bell Baptice Anemone = Anemone "Bell Baptice," red type with crested center?
27. Monument Anemone = Anemone "Monument," red type with crested red and yellow center
28. Red flowering Larch tree = Larix decidua (larch), red type
29. Blew passe flower: Anemone patens (pulsatilla AKA pasque flower), blue type
30. Rose Jonker Anemone = Anemone "Rose Jonker," red and white striped type with crested red and yellow center
31. White flowering Larch tree = Larix decidua (larch), white type
32. Purple strip'd Anemone = Anemone, white with purple stripes
33. The Velvet Iris = Iris chrysographes
34. Jerusalem Cowslip = Pulmonaria officinalis (lungwort)
1. Keysers Jewel Hyacinth = Hyacinth "Keysers Jewel," double white type
2. Diamend de = hyacinth "Diamend," double blue type
3. Double blossem'd Peach = Prunus persica, double type
4. Single orange Narcissus = Narcissus, single orangish yellow type
5. Double Endroit Tulip = Tulipa "Double Endroit," double white type with red flames
6. Glory of y East Auricula = Primula auricula "Glory of the East," white type with red and white striped edge
7. Double Wall flower = Cheiranthus cheiri (wallflower), double yellow type
8. Blush red lilly of y Vally = Convollaria majalis rosea (pink lily of the valley)
9. British King Anemone = Anemone "British King," red and white type with crested yellow center
10. Calestis Anemone = Anemone "Calestis," lavender type with crested center
11. Amaranthus trachee = Amaranthus (amaranth)
12. Single Jonquill = Narcissus, single yellow type
13. Loves Master Auricula = Primula auricula "Love's Master," double yellow type with red markings
14. Double painted Lady Auricula = Primula auricula "Painted Lady," double white type with red and yellow markings
15. Palurus Christs Thorn = Paliurus spina-christi (Christ's Thorn)
16. White Lilly of the Valley = Convollaria majalis (lily of the valley)
17. Merveille du Monde Auricula = Primula auricula "Marveille du Monde," white type with purple edge
18. Lady Margareta Anemone = Anemone "Lady Margareta," red and white type with crested yellow center
19. Juliana de = Tulipa "Juliana"?, red and white type
20. Double Jonquill = Narcissus, double yellow type
21. Duke of Beauford Auricula = Primula auricula "Duke of Beauford," yellow type with gray edge
22. Lecreep No. 1 Tulip = Tulipa "Lacreep No. 1," yellow type with red flames
23. Beau Regard Tulip = Tulipa "Beau Regard," white type with red flames
24. Dwarf single flowering Almond = Prunus glandulosa, dwarf type
25. Duke of St. Albans Auricula = Primula auricula "Duke of St. Albans," red type with white center and edge
26. Turkey ranunculus sweet scented = Ranunculus asiaticus, yellow type with red stripes (Persian buttercup)
27. Double Cuckow Flower = Cardamine pratensis, double (lady's smock)
28. Grand Presence Auricula = Primula auricula "Grand Presence"
29. Sea Pink = Armeria maritima
30. Double flowering Almond = Prunus glandulosa, double type
1. Cinamon Rose = Rosa majalis (cinnamon rose, May rose)
2. Narrow Leav'd Strip'd flower de-luce = Iris tenuifolia
3. Columbine Strip'd = Aquilegia (columbine), white type with darker markings
4. Bishop of Canterbury Tulip = Tulipa "Bishop of Canterbury," white type with purple flames
5. Double Catch fly = Lychnis viscaria plena (double catchfly)
6. Late white hyacinth = Hyacinthus serotinus, white?
7. Blew-bell Hyacinth = Hyacinthoides nonscripta (bluebell)
8. Mountain bulbal Crow foot = Ranunculus bulbosus flore pleno
9. Belsilvia Anemone = Anemone "Belsilvia," single white type with purple stripes
10. Venetian Vetch= Orobus latifolius repens
11. Blew Hyacinth of peru = Scilla peruviana, blue type
12. China pink: Dianthus chinensis
13. Saucy spider wort = Tradescantia (spiderwort) type
14. Double orange Lilly = Lilium (lily), double orange type with speckled yellow center
15. White Hyacinth of peru = Scilla peruviana, white type
16. Pheasants Eye = Adonis aestivalis
17. Purple Mallow = Malva, purple type
18. Arbor judae = Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree AKA eastern redbud)
19. Embroidered Cranes bill = Geranium (hardy geranium), white type with red veins
20. Dwarf Dutch Tulip = Tulipa "Dwarf Dutch," yellow type
21. Indian Queen Ranunculus = Ranunculus asiaticus "Indian Queen," white type striped with red
22. Yellow Austrian rose = Rosa lutea, AKA rosa foetida
23. Double white Mountain Ranunculus = Ranunculus ficaria albus flore-plenus?
24. Duch yellow Ranunculus = Ranunculus asiaticus "Dutch Yellow," yellow type edged with red
25. Indian King Ranunculus = Ranunculus asiaticus "Indian King," white type striped with red
26. Yellow globe flower = Trollius europaeus (globeflower)
27. Red Austrian rose = Rosa lutea persiana, AKA Rosa foetida var. persiana
28. Cytissus Secundus Clusii = Cytisus sessilifolius (laburnum)
29. Lotus with yellow flowers = Nymphaea (water lily), yellow type
30. Virginian Columbine = Aquilegia virginiana
31. White Asphodel = Asphodelus albus or Asphodele rameux
32. Yellow Asphodel = Asphodeline lutea
33. Princess's Pink = Dianthus plumaris "Princess"(garden pink) type
1. Perennial dwarf Sun flower = Rudbeckia type
2. Ultramine and Prussian blew Iris Major = Iris major, blue type
3. Blew Nigella or Fennel flower = Nigella sativus (love-in-a-mist)
4. Moon trefoil = Medicargo (lucerne) type
5. Upright Sweet William = Dianthus barbatus (Sweet William) double red type
6. Saxifrage = Pimpinella major (great burnet)
7. Cinque foile = Potentilla reptans (cinquefoil)
8. Pansies or Hearts-ease = Viola tricolor (johnny-jump-up)
9. Maiden's blush Rose = Rosa incarnata (Maiden's Blush)
10. Yellow Jasmine = Jasminum odoratissimum?
11. Blew Corn flower = Centaurea cyanus (cornflower), blue type
12. Blush Belgick Rose = Rosa belgica
13. The Fameford Rose = Rosa fracofurtensis (Francford rose)?
14. Double Martagon = Lilium martagon (martagon lily), double type
15. Orchis or Bee flower = Ophrys apifera
16. Scarlet Colutea = Colutea media
17. Fraxinella = Dictamnus albus (gas plant)
18. Moss province Rose = Rosa rubra plena spinosissima or Rosa pedunculo muscoso
19. Double Virginian Silk grass = Tradescantia virginica or virginiana (spiderwort), double type
20. White Rose = Rosa alba vulgaris (alba maxima)?
21. Dutch Hundred Leav'd Rose = Rosa centifolia
22. White Bachelors Button = Centaurea cyanus (bachelor's button), white type
23. Rosa Mundi = Rosa mundi
24. Mountain Lychnis = Lychnis umbellifera AKA Lychnis montana
25. Dwarf Iris Strip'd = Iris pumila
26. White Jasmine = Jasmine officinale
27. Scarlet geranium = Pelargonium, red type
28. Yellow Martagon = Lilium martagon (martagon lily), yellow type
29. Red Martagon = Lilium martagon (martagon lily), red type
30. Teucrium or Germander = Teucrium fruticans (tree germander)
31. Mountain dwarf pink = Dianthus alpinus (Alpine pink)?
32. Yellow Corn Marygold = Chrysanthemum segetum (corn marigold)
33. Purple Sweet Pea = Lathyrus (sweet pea), purple type
34. Greek Valerian = Polemonium reptans (Jacob's ladder)
1. Double Nasturtium = Tropaeolum (nasturtium), yellow type with red markings
2. Double white Maudlin = Achillea ageratum (costmary)
3. Prince picote July flower = Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation), white type tipped with maroon
4. True Caper = Capparis spinosa (caper)
5. Virginian yellow Jasmine = Gelsemium sempervirens (jessamine)
6. Painted Lady Carnation = Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation) "Painted Lady," white type with peach markings
7. Double blew Throat-wort = Campanula trachelium (bellflower), double type
8. Scarlet Martagon = Lilium martagon (martagon lily), scarlet type
9. White Lilly strip'd with purple = Lilium, white type with purple stripes
10. Spanish Broom = Spartium junceum
11. Carolina kidney bean tree = Wisteria frutescens
12. Double strip'd female balsam = Impatiens balsamina (garden balsam) type
13. True Olive tree = Olea europaea (olive)
14. Red Oleander = Nerium oleander (oleander), red type
15. Painted lady pink = Dianthus plumaris (garden pink) "Painted Lady," white with pink markings
16. White Lupin = Lupinus albus (lupine)
17. Princess picote July flower = Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation), white with purple markings
18. Geranium noctu olens = Geranium noctu olens
19. White Valerian = Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
20. Hop Horn beam = Ostrya virginiana
21. Indian or china pink = Dianthus plumaris (garden pink), single white with maroon and red ring
22. Double Pomegranate = Punica granatum, double type
23. Double mouse ear = Auricula muris (hawkweed) AKA Hieracium pilosella
24. Virginian Scarlet honey suckle = Lonicera sempervirens
25. Double white Throat-wort = Campanula trachelium (bellflower), double white type
26. French Marigold = Tagetes patula
27. Double scarlet Lychnis = Lychnis chalcedonia var. rubra plena (double Maltese Cross)
28. Double blew Larkspur = Consolida ambigua, double blue type
29. Hungarian Climer = Clematis integrifolia
30. Double Stock = Matthiola incana (stocks), double red type
31. Bean Caper = Zygophyllum fabago
32. White Oleander = Nerium oleander (oleander), white type
1. Purple Althaea frutex = Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon), purple type
2. Ivy leav'd Jasmine = Trachelospermum jasminoides?
3. Iris Uvaria = Kniphofia uvaria (red hot poker)
4. Purple Sultan = Centaurea moschata (sweet sultan), white type tipped with pink
5. Purple toad flax = Linaria vulgaris
6. Purple Amaranthoides = Gomphrena globosa
7. Double Arabian Jasmine = Jasminum sambac "Grand Duke of Tuscany"
8. Yellow Ketmia = Hibiscus trionum (bladder ketmia)?
9. Purple Coxcomb Amaranth = Celosia (coxcomb), purple type
10. Shrub St. Johns wort = Hypericum perforatum (St. Johnswort)
11. Pona's blew Throatwort = Trachelium umbelliferum "Pona"
12. Palma Christi = Ricinus communis (castor bean)
13. Purple Convolvulus = Convolvulus, purple type
14. Polyanthos = Primula polyantha (primrose), red type with yellow center and white edge
15. Indian yellow Jasmine = Jasminum humile
16. Double flowering Myrtle = Myrtus flore-pleno
17. Egyptian scarlet holly hock = Hibiscus rosa-chinensis (tropical hibiscus), scarlet type
18. Yellow strip'd marvel of Peru = Mirabilis jalapa (four o'clock), yellow type with red stripes
19. Strip'd Monthly rose = Rosa damascena versicolor (York & Lancaster)
20. Double fether few = Tanacetum parthenium (double feverfew)
21. Semper Augustus auricula = Primula auricula, white type with red ring
22. Dwarf Convolvulus = Convolvulus minor, blue type with white center
23. Willow leav'd Apocynum = Apocynum type (dog's bane)
24. Apios of America = Apios americana (groundnut)
25. Virginian flowering Raspberry = Rubus odoratus
26. Lisole from Genoa = Olea europaea (olive)
27. Double spanish Jasmine = Jasminum grandiflorum
28. White Eternal = Helichrysum (everlasting), white type
29. Fruit bearing Passion flower = Passiflora caerulea?
30. Scarlet Althaea = Alcea (hollyhock), scarlet type
31. Canary shrub fox glove = Isoplexis canariensis (Canary Island foxglove)
32. Long blooming honey suckle = Lonicera type
33. Double purple Virginia bower = Clematis virginiana (virgin's bower), double purple type
34. Virginian scarlet Martagon = Lilium martagon (martagon lily), scarlet type
1. Red Sow Bread = Cyclamen, red type
2. White Sow Bread = Cyclamen, white type
3. White Corn-marigold = Chrysanthemum segetum, white type
4. New Tree Primrose = Oenothera, yellow type (evening primrose)
5. Four leav'd Geranium = Pelargonium, white type with red centers
6. Quilled African Marigold = Tagetes erecta, quilled type
7. Hearts ease = Viola tricolor (johnny-jump-up), yellow and white type with purple spots
8. Shrub Cotton = Gossypium hirsutum?
9. Sheffords Hester Auricula = Primula auricula "Shefford's Hester," white type with yellow center and red and yellow edge
10. Virginian Birthwort = Aristolochia serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot)
11. Virginian upright Bramble = Rubus argutus or Rubus frondosus (blackberry)?
12. Scarlet Indian Cane = Canna indica, scarlet type?
13. White Colchicum = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), white type
14. Bean Caper = Zygophyllum fabago
15. All red Amaranthus = Amaranthus (amaranth), red type
16. Double white Soapwort = Saponaria officinalis, double type
17. Yellow Indian Cane = Canna indica, yellow type?
18. Virginian Poke = Phytolacca decandra (pokeweed)
19. Gentianella = Gentiana (gentian), blue type
20. White monthly Rose = Rosa mensalis
21. Yellow Amaranthus = Celosia (cockscomb), yellow type
22. Oriental Arssmart = Polygonum orientale (kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate)?
23. Broad leav'd Cardinal = Lobelia cardinalis
24. Yellow Colchicum = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), yellow type
25. Hardy golden Rod = Solidago (goldenrod) type
26. White Althaea frutex = Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon), white type
27. Chequer'd Colchicum = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), pink type with red spots
28. Yellow Colutea = Colutea arborescens (bladder senna)
29. Dwarf Pomegranate = Punica granatum, dwarf type
30. Strip'd single Female balsam = Impatiens balsamina (garden balsam), white type with red stripes
31. African Marigold = Tagetes erecta type
32. Honour & glory Auricula = Primula auricula "Honour & Glory," white type with yellow center and red and white edge
33. White flower Moth Mullein = Verbascum blattaria alba
34. Double Colchicum = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), double pink type
35. Three leav'd Passion flower = Passiflora, yellow type with red center
1. Tuberose flower = Polianthes tuberosa
2. Single Nasturtium = Tropaeolum, (nasturtium) yellow type with red markings
3. Yellow peren Poppy = Papaver nudicale (Iceland poppy), yellow type?
4. Purple Polyanthos = Primula polyantha (primrose), purple type with yellow center
5. Saffron flower = Crocus sativus
6. Strip'd double Colchicum = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), pink and white type
7. Single blew Periwinkle = Vinca, blue type with white center
8. Trumpet flower = Campsis radicans (trumpet vine)
9. Camomile double = Anthemis nobilis or Chamaemelum nobile "Flore Pleno" (double chamomile)
10. Semper Augustus Auricula = Primula auricula "Semper Augustus," white type with yellow center and red and white edge
11. Indian Tobacco = Nicotiana rustica?
12. Arbutus double = Arbutus unedo (strawberry tree), double type
13. Best flowering Geranium = Pelargonium, red type
14. Guernsey Lilly = Nerine sarniensis (Guernsey lily)
15. Autumn Carnation = Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation), red type
16. Agnus Costus = Vitex agnus costus (chaste tree)
17. Long blooming Honey suckle = Lonicera americana?
18. Spiked Aster = Aster, lavender type
19. Belladonna Lilly = Amaryllis belladonna
20. Ever green Honey suckle = Lonicera
21. Leonurus or Archangel tree = Lamium galeobdolen, AKA Lamiastrum galeobdolen (dead nettle)
22. Black Cranes bill = Geranium (hardy geranium), purple type with white center
23. Scarlet Cranes bill = Geranium (hardy geranium), red type
24. Marigold tree = Tagetes erecta, single type (African marigold)
25. Musk Scabious = Centaurea moschata (sweet sultan), purple or maroon type
26. Double white Musk rose = Rosa moschata plena
27. Box leav'd Myrtle = Myrtus buxifolia
28. Michaelmas Daisie = Aster novi-belgii, blue type with yellow center
29. Yellow Passion flower = Passiflora lutea
30. Hollyhock always double = Alcea (hollyhock), double red type
31. Virginia Shrub Acre = ?
1. Ficoides or fig Marigold = Mesembrysanthemum (iceplant), yellow type
2. White Periwinkle = Vinca, white type
3. Earliest flowering Laurustinus = Viburnum tinus?
4. Blew Periwinkle = Vinca, blue type
5. Tree Candy tuft = Iberis sempervirens (perennial candytuft)
6. Embroider'd Cranes bill = Geranium (hardy geranium), white type with red veins
7. Yellow spik'd Eternal = Helichrysum stoechas (everlasting)?
8. Strip'd single Anemone = Anemone, single red and white striped type
9. Borage = Borago officinalis
10. Thyme-leav'd Myrtle = Myrtus communis var. mucronata
11. French Marigold = Tagetes patula
12. Colchicum Agripina major = Colchicum autumnale (autumn crocus), white type with red spots
13. Ilex leav'd Jasmine = Lantana africana (possibly Oftia africana)
14. Great purple Cranes bill = Geranium (hardy geranium), magenta type
15. Arbutus or Strawberry tree = Arbutus unedo
16. Double Nasturtium = Tropaeolum (nasturtium), double red and yellow type
17. Broad leav'd Red Valerian = Centranthus ruber
18. Myrtos Cistus = Cistus creticus (rockrose)
19. Virginian Aster = Aster novi-belgii, lavender type
20. Campanula Canariensis = Canarina canariensis (canary bellflower)
21. Pheasants Eye = Adonis aestivalis
22. Perennial dwarf Sun flower = Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan) type?
23. Double Featherfew = Tanacetum parthenium (double feverfew)
24. Carolina Star flower = Ipheim uniflorum
25. Scarlet Althaea = Alcea (hollyhock), red type
26. Spanish white Jasmine = Jasminum grandiflorum
27. Lavender with divided Leaves = Lavandula multifida?
28. Golden Rod = Solidago (goldenrod) type
29. American Viburnum = Viburnum opulus
30. Yellow Dwarf Aloe = ?
31. Single blew Anemone = Anemone, single purple type
32. Purple Ficoides = Ficus carica (purple fig)?
33. Groundsell tree = Baccharis halimifolia (groundsel)
34. Pellitory with Daisy flowers = Anacyclus pyrethrum, AKA Anthemis pyrethrum
35. Scarlet single Anemone = Anemone, single red type
36. White Egyptian holly hock = Alcea (hollyhock), white type
37. Caper Bush = Capparis spinosa
38. Dwarf Colutea = Colutea, dwarf type
1. Royal purple Auricula = Primula auricula, purple type
2. African white flower'd Heath = ?
3. Pansies or Hearts ease = Viola tricolor (johnny-jump-up), yellow and purple type
4. White Corn Marigold = Chrysanthemum segetum, white type
5. Strawberry daisie = Bellis, white type speckled with red
6. Cape Marigold = Dimorphotheca (African daisy), orange type with red center
7. Shining leav'd Laurustinus = Viburnum type?
8. Marvel Du Monde Auricula = Primula auricula "Marvel Du Monde," white type with yellow center and purple edge
9. Red spring Cyclamen = Cyclamen vernum, red type
10. White Cyclamen = Cyclamen, white type
11. Yellow Ficoides = Yellow fig?
12. Yellow round Eternal = Helichrysum (everlasting) type?
13. Christmas flower = Helleborus niger (Christmas rose)
14. Winter white Primrose = Primula, white type
15. Gentianella = Gentiana (gentian)
16. Yellow Corn Marigold = Chrysanthemum segetum
17. Scarlet Geranium = Pelargonium, red type
18. Canary Pellitory = Anacyclus pyrethrum, AKA Anthemis pyrethrum
19. Valerianella = Valeriana officinalis (valerian)
20. Winter double Crowfoot = ?
21. Strip'd leav'd Geranium = Pelargonium, pink type with red centers
22. Cape Marigold white within = Dimorphotheca (African daisy), white type with red back
23. St. Peters Shrub = Hypericum crux-andreae or Hypericum densiflorum
24. Mountain Avens = Geum, yellow type
25. Single purple Anemone = Anemone, single purple type
26. Sage & Rosemary tree = Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree, sage tree) fruits?
27. Winter wall flower = Cheiranthus (wallflower), yellow type
28. Winter flowering Pear = ?
29. Lavender leav'd Groundsel tree = Baccharis halimifolia
30. Scarlet African Aloe, with Pineapple Leaves = ?
31. Spanish Virgins Bower = Clematis flammula or Clematis ligusticifolia?
32. Glastenbury thorne = Crataegus oxyacantha (hawthorne)
33. Humble plant = Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant)
34. Basella = Basella alba
35. Monthly rose bud = Rosa damascena (damask rose), red type
36. Trisipd African golden knob = Acacia dealbata (mimosa)?
Note: The image is the June print from the Furber calendar.